Versione Italiana

Comune di Marsciano



Marsciano and its territory totally represents the typical features of the umbro landscape: fertile campaigns and sweet hills disseminate of small villages. The territory, already lived from the age of the bronze and in Etruscan age, knows the maximum brightness from the Middle Ages, thanks to its central position in comparison to the powerful cities of Perugia, Todi, Orvieto and in age of the Renaissance as testified from the important wall paintings that they enrich the churches of several villages like the wall painting of Perugino that representing Saint Sebastiano with Saint Rocco and San Peter guarded in the church of Cerqueto.

Marsciano, the more important center of the Average Goes them of the Tevere is one dynamics, modern and rich city of numerous industrial and business settlements. Go around for the country that from 1540 to the unite of Italy remained under the papal dominion, tourists can admired some buildings in liberty style and the splendid Battle palace enriched from the decorations of futurist painter Geraldo Doctors. The terracotta is the predominant element in the structures urban planning of the historical center. Marsciano in fact, is the principal point of a territory characterized in all its historical evolution from the production of the terrecotte  and “laterizi”. These constitute the red thread around to which it has been created the Dynamic Museum of the “Laterizio” and the Terrecotte, a particular museum because it is articulated on the territory, going through the places of the civilization peasant, handicraft, industrial of the “marscianese”. Mainly  center of the museum is Pietromarchi Palace, noble residence constructed in the ' 300 from the family of Conti Bulgarelli of Marsciano, in the whose rooms come accommodated a section dedicated to the terrecotte of age comprised between the XVI and XX century and one dedicated to “laterizi” with pieces from the classic age to our days, and a wonderful wall painting of Pinturicchio’s school that represented the Madonna in Throne with the Child and the Angels, Saint Silvestro and San Rocco of the beginnings of the XVI. But the museum is exactly dynamic, because it becomes rich of positions that are diffused on the territory like the two ancient furnaces of Saint Fortunato and Compignano placed along the ancient orvietana way and entire restored and the two antennas of Compignano and Spina.


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How to find us:

Comune di Marsciano

  • Address: Largo Garibaldi, 1 - 06055 - Marsciano (PG)
  • Phone: +39 075 87471
  • Fax: +39 075 8747288
  • E-mail:
  • Web Site:
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  • More Information:
    Trade and Tourism Office opening:
    On Monday and Wednesday from 9.00 am to 12.30 am
    On Thursday from 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm.
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