Versione Italiana

Spello - Pinacoteca Civica



Since 2011 the communal picture gallery has been housed in Palazzo dei Canonici, a 16th -century building adjacent to the church of Santa Maria Maggiore.
The recent reorganisation has made it possible to display the works together again.
The collection includes exhibits of considerable artistic quality, which are extremely significant of the local figurative culture and the town’s historical events.
The itinerary covers eight rooms, in which the works are arranged in chronological order. This criterion has been adopted in order to reveal the links that existed over the centuries between Spello and the other Umbrian art centres, starting with Spoleto and continuing with Perugia and Foligno.
Particular mention should be made of the wooden Virgin and Child carved within the first half of the 13th century, the early 14th – century Crocified - Deposed Christ, the silver gilt processional cross made by Paolo Vanni in 1398, the Gonfalon made by the Mazzaforte workshop in Foligno, the Virgin of the Rosary by Ascensidonio Spacca and a series of paintings of Counter- Reformist stamp by the Sienese artist Marcantonio Grecchi . Also deserving of mention are the silver and lapis lazuli reliquary of Saint Felix and the triptych  of Master of the Virgin of the Assumption of Amelia.



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How to find us:

Spello - Pinacoteca Civica

  • Address: Cortile dei Due Campanili - Piazza G.Matteotti, 10 - 06038 - Spello (PG)
  • Phone: +39 0742 301497
  • Fax: +39 0742 301497
  • E-mail:
  • Web Site:
  • We speak: inglese francese

  • More Information:
    Orari di apertura:
    - ottobre/marzo: venerdì, sabato e domenica 10.30-12.30/15.00-17.00. Aperto tutti i giorni dal 2 al 6 gennaio. Chiuso il 1 gennaio.
    - dicembre: dal martedì alla domenica 10.30-12.30 /15.00-17.00. Chiuso lunedì e 25 dicembre.
    - aprile/settembre: dal martedì alla domenica 10.30-13/15.00-18.30. Chiuso il lunedì.
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